Don’t Quit After Jan! There’s Still Time to Meet Your Business Goals 

Let us guess. You started January with optimism and motivation, determined to work tirelessly and turn your business into the next global sensation. But now that we’re well into the new year, reality has set back in (along with the gloomy weather), and your resolutions and goals feel like a distant memory. We hear you. And we’re here for you. 

Let’s have a look at why you may be struggling to meet your own expectations and how we can help. 

1. You need proper support. 

Running a business can be tough. It takes time, organisation, problem-solving, communication, flexibility and a whole host of other skills and resources. It’s no surprise that four in five small business owners experience poor mental health. There’s an overwhelming and perhaps internalised expectation to do it all alone.  

There is a huge range of support for SMEs in York, North Yorkshire and East Riding that can provide cheaper (or even free) advice and guidance. Here at Business Scale Up, we’re experts in helping business owners to feel supported and their businesses to grow. Whether you need to upskill your staff, focus on employee wellbeing and retention, refresh your digital infrastructure, or just need some one-to-one consultancy and guidance, we can help you find the perfect training or consultancy offer to help you meet your goals for less.  


 2. You need a solid plan. 

Starting with your goal is great, but then getting clear on what actions and investments are best to take next, (investments in terms of time and money), is not always easy to do alone. It can lead to procrastination and a lot of overthinking in some cases, keeping you stuck.  

We recommend sitting down with an expert to map out precisely what you want to achieve and then uncover the steps that can get you there confidently. Our Business Engagement Advisors are fantastic at working with business owners to create tangible action plans. Part of your plan could then involve accessing tailored consultancy with one of our providers, who can delve even deeper into your specific areas of interest, help you find solutions and guide you through the process of sticking to them.  


3. You need to stick to a budget.  

Making grand plans is easy when money is no object. But if you’re trying to grow your business – especially in today’s economy – you could be feeling constrained by your budget. That could even be why you’re trying to meet your goals with no support – you assume you won’t be able to afford it. 

The good news is that you still have the whole year to come to Business Scale Up. Not only do we find you the right support (and handle any paperwork involved), but we also offer significant funding contributions to help remove barriers to training and consultancy. Growing your business AND saving money? That’s enough to brighten up the dreariest January day.  


Get started today. Check out our upcoming training offers or book a free consultation to get your 2023 plans back on track.  


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