The 5 Biggest Benefits of Investing in Employee Qualifications 

The road to scaling up your business is paved with crucial investment decisions. 

Whether it’s a new marketing campaign or upgraded software, we can all agree that investing in the right thing, at the right time, is a fundamental part of being a business owner. 

Out of all the big decisions you can make to take your business to the next level, investing in staff training and professional development is still one of the most underrated, despite being one of the most effective strategies at your disposal! 

It’s easy to see why the importance of employee qualifications and training may slip under the radar. Unlike new software to speed up your internal processes or a SEO hot website, investing time and money into qualifications won’t give you the same instant fulfilment. 

The long-term benefits of investing in employee qualifications and development are hard to beat. With solid performance reviews and open communication with your team, it’s quick to see that your time and investment into training are worthy of the attention. 

We’ve rounded up some of the biggest benefits of investing in employee qualifications, so you can plan your next scale-up step in full confidence! 

  1. Attracting top-quality talent

    The best talent is bound to follow the best offer. 

    Employers that offer qualifications and training are more likely to become a candidate’s first choice and attract the very best: the kind of people who will feel passionate about their work. 

    To maximise results, make sure you are clearly communicating what you offer to prospective employees during the application and interview stages. 

  2. Identifying future leaders 

    When it comes to current employees, investing in staff development can also help you identify and nurture future leaders. 

    Having a pool of qualified, well-trained staff at your disposal will make internal recruitment a whole lot easier, leaving you with a clear idea of who will be best suited to take on bigger roles and responsibilities.  

    Time to think succession planning and give yourself some quality time off! 

  3. Expanding your offer 

    Investing in employee qualifications can help your company grow by introducing new skill sets and competences.  

    Having more employees with varied and unique qualifications can do wonders for improving reputation as a forward-thinking, trend-aware company. In addition, having more trained staff allows you to expand the services you offer and set you up as the go-to expert in your market. 

  4. Improving productivity 

    As many as 85% of employees don’t feel sufficiently engaged in their current workplace. This is a troubling figure for any company that wishes to grow and improve outcomes, as low engagement is linked to lower productivity, creativity, and overall lower job satisfaction. 

    Employers who offer qualification training get to work with engaged and dedicated talent, reaping all the productivity benefits that come with it, such as 41% fewer sick days

  5. Reducing employee turnover

    The assumption that trained and qualified employees are more likely to leave their current workplace is nothing but a persistent myth. 

    In reality, employees that feel cared for and consistently engaged in the workplace are more likely to stay and grow with you. 

    Investing in qualifications can boost employee retention: a whopping 94% of employees report that they would be more likely to stay in a company if it offered development and training opportunities. 

Get started today 

When you invest in your employees, you invest in your business. 

We understand that setting up a development program from scratch might seem daunting at first, especially on a limited budget and even more limited time. 

To help make the task a little less intimidating, we provide a catalogue of training and consultancy offers, delivered in partnership with over 20 specialist skill providers across the region.  

If you don’t know where to start, why not book a free consultation with one of our expert advisors? We’ll walk you through the process and answer all your questions about qualification training and beyond. 


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